Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The central role of teachers

A collaborative effort, Teachers Upfront is lending a helping hand to the teaching profession in South Africa. In a series of education dialogues started in March 2011, Teachers Upfront seeks to address the problems faced by teachers in South Africa today through presentations and seminars on different educational topics.
These dialogues are later reported in the Mail and Guardian in an effort to continue the series’ aim to encourage public discourse around these issues.

Teachers first

The first of these dialogues was dedicated to the central role played by teachers in the South African Education System. It took place on 29 March 2011 at Wits School of Education in Johannesburg. The session examined the treatment of teachers by their peers, learners, and parents, and highlighted the challenging environments in which teachers have to work. Too often, it seems teachers are blamed and shamed, rather than supported and appreciated.
Delivering the keynote address, Dr Mamphela Ramphele, formerly Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town, urged delegates to support teaching professionals, particularly those working in challenging environments. Referring to teaching as a “noble profession”, Ramphele remembered her most influential teachers, from her mother to her primary school teachers who encouraged her love of science and medicine.
Ramphele’s speech added weight to one of the main aims of Teachers Upfront – to support teachers as key agents in creating a quality education system.

Vision of a teacher

Ramphele also positioned teachers as role models who give with love to push their students to greater heights. For Ramphele, the gap between this vision of a teacher and the perception of teachers today (unmotivated, ill-equipped, and uncaring) can be attributed to the deep wounds that characterise our society – wounds that manifest in self-destructive, negative, or apathetic behaviour on every level of society, from the individual to the community that should serve that individual.
For Ramphele, the effects of apartheid and of a society unable to properly cope with its history are obvious in South Africa’s damaged teachers who have lost a sense of connection with their purpose and their learners. The cure for this disconnection is healing and support, rather than blame and shame, which leads merely to further feelings of negativity.
Speaking about teacher morale, Yael Shalem, Professor at the Wits School of Education, supported this view, pointing out that ‘teacher’ should not be a homogenous category – teachers are individuals with different races, genders, cultures, and languages. Not all teachers face the same socio-economic challenges, so thinking about them as a single group is counter-productive.
Shalem reminded delegates that teachers working in improvised schools have very different work challenges to those in well-resourced schools. Shalem described this as a “dual economy of schooling [that] exists between those children who have a second and third site of knowledge acquisition”, such as access to books and the Internet at home, and “those children whose only site of learning acquisition is the school”.

Teaching in South Africa

In Shalem’s view, the following four variables are important to a good quality teaching environment yet up to 70% of South Africa’s teachers are not in a position to benefit from them:
  • Access to learners who are prepared for schooling, mentally and physically
  • A reservoir of cognitive resources at school level
  • A well-specified curriculum
  • Functional school management
The absence of these variables proves that school failure cannot be blamed solely on teacher inefficiency. So many more factors are at play – difficult home environments, poverty, lack of learner preparation, and inadequate resources all have roles to play in the challenge that is teaching in South Africa today.

The challenge of teaching in a township

This multifaceted view was supported by Phumi Mthiyane, a teacher at Realogile Secondary School in Alexandra, Johannesburg, whose contribution to the discussion highlighted the day-to-day challenge of being a teacher in a township. In Mthiyane’s words, her success as a teacher is based on a teaching mind-set that is “open, humble and willing to change”. At present, Mthiyane and her school are benefitting from training support for Mthiyane from Wits School of Education and a community radio project for learners, courtesy of Alex FM.
While the teaching profession has a long way to go when it comes to changing its reputation, initiatives like these education dialogues and related projects can offer opportunities to rework how teachers experience their own development and are perceived by others. As Mthiyane points out, “Fear does not make us work; being inspired does.

One Laptop Per Child comes to South Africa

As part of our mission to share knowledge as openly as possible, we invited stakeholders involved in ICT in Education to join us for the training, including the Department of Basic Education (DBE), the Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, Bridge, and the Kliptown Youth Program, who are already using OLPC’s XO laptops in their aftercare programme.
Also present at the event were two award-winning school principals from Limpopo, Phuti Ragophala and Mmipe Mokgehle. Both their schools form part of the Mankweng Cluster, which is the proposed area for the OLPC SA pilot programme.
OLPC training

One Laptop Per Child

The three-day event was originally designed to be five days long, but was compressed to fit the schedules of stakeholders. It was run by two members of the Rwandan OLPC programme, Desire Rwagaju and Jimmy Intwali, and supervised by OLPC’s Vice-President of Operations and Africa, Sergio Romero. Both Rwagaju and Intwali are based at the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology.
The first day of the event was dedicated to giving an overview of what OLPC is and does (locally and worldwide), the focus on teacher practice and its impact on learning, and the journey from traditional to 21st century teaching methodology. Trainees were also introduced to the XO laptop and the Sugar Operating System that runs on it.
The second day covered the Sugar learning environment, looking at teaching principles and methodology, the OLPC deployment guide and logistics.
The third and final day had the trainees getting to grips with the technical side of the XO laptop during a hands-on workshop covering XO assembling and dissembling, installation and configuration, maintenance and repair; with trainees getting to dismantle and reassemble the laptops.

OLPC in Rwanda

The event was very well-attended and all the trainees present expressed their excitement about the XO and an extreme desire to get OLPC implemented in South Africa.
Rwagaju handled the majority of the first day’s presentation with assistance from Intwali and Romero, illustrating his presentation with several different models of the OLPC XO laptop. Rwagaju’s presentation can be simply summarised in the video below, which is the first part of OLPC’s marketing video. According to Rwagaju:
We only ever need to play this video to governments once and they buy into our project.”

Rwagaju also spoke about the OLPC project in his homeland. Rwanda’s deployment began in 2007, supported by G1G1 donations and by President Paul Kagame’s vision for the country that included universal access to the Web. In 2008 the XO was introduced to the first 10,000 students.Rwanda currently has the highest deployment level in Africa with around 210 000 laptops distributed to schoolchildren across the nation. They estimate that they will have full nationwide saturation by 2017.
Besides Rwanda, OLPC is in 44 different countries on 6 continents. OLPC’s mission is to empower the world’s poorest children through education:
We aim to provide each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop. To this end, we have designed hardware, content and software for collaborative, joyful, and self-empowered learning. With access to this type of tool, children are engaged in their own education, and learn, share, and create together. They become connected to each other, to the world and to a brighter future.”

Education has a brighter future B Smart ZA Cares

Schools and communities

With the support of the Wits University’s School of Education, the University of Johannesburg’s Education faculty, the Bridge Education NGO, and the Mail and Guardian, Teachers Upfront is encouraging debate around the teaching profession in South Africa through a series of education dialogues.
The third dialogue was held at the University of Johannesburg on 2 August 2012. Discussion centred on the topic of Schools and Communities.

It takes a village

The education crisis in South Africa requires the commitment of teachers, learners, schools, and communities if solutions for success are to be correctly implemented. This was the message from the third Teachers Upfront dialogue. Misheck Ndebele, Education lecturer at Wits University, emphasised the importance of parental involvement in learner success. In his words:
Lots of improvement in attendance, achievement, and participation can be attributed to the involvement of parents and a close co-operation between schools and families.
Noting that success goes beyond the classroom, Ndebele pointed out that learners whose parents are actively involved in their education tend to be more successful as adults. Ndebele described his own research into parental involvement at 40 Gauteng schools – through which he identified the following as critical criteria for learner success:
  • Communication
  • Parenting at home
  • Student learning
  • Volunteering
  • School decision-making
  • Collaboration with the community
Based on this research, Ndebele recommended that a school-family partnership course be part of every teacher-training curriculum in the country.

Community involvement in student success

This view was supported by Theresa Moila, Senior Manager for Education at the Transnet Foundation, who later reminded delegates that parents have a responsibility to educate and socialise their children while teachers get on with the job of delivering a quality curriculum.
In research in South Africa, where parents and communities are involved, learner success is seen more frequently. Dr Al Witten of the Centre for the Community School at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, expanded the definition of ‘community’ to include universities such as his own, which works with the Eastern Cape’s Manyano community schools network.
Calling on communities to collaborate to ensure the success of education programmes, Witten said:
We should think about the community beyond geography, though, and involve individuals [such as school leaders] or organisations that support schools, wherever they may be.
Speaking of school leaders, Witten called on individuals to cross boundaries and work towards the common goals of teaching and learning.

Quality teaching and learning

One such leader is Lamile Faltein, principal of Limekhaya High School in Uitenhage’s Kwa-Langa township in the Eastern Cape. Faltein highlighted the challenges at the school, rebuilt in 1995 after a 1976 fire. Reviewing dismal Matric results, Faltein remembers thinking “there must be challenges I don’t know about”. He asked previous learners to complete questionnaires about their experience at the school and learnt that many of them were not able to complete their exams because their teachers were ill-equipped to teach them.
To remedy the situation, Faltein invited in experts to ensure his staff had the knowledge base necessary for their subjects. With these helping hands, teachers at the school are now formally accountable to the school’s governing body and Faltein has instituted measures such as class visits to monitor teachers’ lesson preparation.
Limekhaya High School’s vision reads:
We strive to provide a quality education service to produce balanced learners who will play a leading role in advancing the respect of human rights and the economic development of the country.
According to Faltein, this vision was crafted by the community itself.

Communities’ participation and support

Communities are crucial, Faltein said, to monitoring and supporting schools. Limekhaya works with the community, reaches out to poorly performing schools, employs social workers to help learners, and has developed a learner resource centre. Faltein urged other school leaders to work with community steering committees that monitor teaching quality and hold their school accountable for learner performance…

The dialogue was marked by strong consensus that schools cannot solve the education crisis on their own. Strong leadership and community participation and support are essential to creating a sense of common responsibility for learner achievement.

Watch this space for B Smart ZA's New Website

B Smart ZA will be in touch to launch our new Website of Bettering Education in South Africa.

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Blog - B Smart Education South Africa

Friday, May 24, 2013

Class of 2013: To Succeed in the Digital Age, Always Remain a Native

You don’t think it will happen to you, but it will -- I guarantee it.
Right now you maybe a true digital native. You not only know the difference between Twitter, Tumblr and Facebook, but you also get how the cultures differ too. I bet you had a tablet before everyone else in your class or workplace. And maybe, just maybe, you’re in the Google Glass Explorer program. (Or at least you hope to be.)
But one day, maybe not for many years, the gravity of life will loom. Your business and personal responsibilities will grow. Hardened habits will settle in and you may not be as digitally savvy as you are today. You may even (gasp!) become a Luddite.
My advice to young grads and, really anyone in business, is this: don't let your digital skills and knowledge decay. Do the best you can to remain an Internet native throughout your life. Even better, encourage others around you in business to do the same.
Disruption is the new normal. The businesses that are able to shed the outdated vestiges of the past will be in the best position to succeed.
This begins with you. Fight the urge to let old habits - even digital ones - settle in.
I am in my early 40s. Therefore, in many other areas of my life I lose this battle. Again, gravity sometimes wins and willpower is a limited resource.
However, when it comes to my adoption of new digital habits, I am, if anything aggressive in my own life. My job requires that I stay ahead of the curve and encourage 4,600 people in our firm and our clients to do the same.
I would encourage you to adopt a similar mindset no matter what industry you are in. The more comfortable you are with disruption, the more you will be able to roll into it, rather than run away from it.
Here are some of the simple changes I am making right now ...
I am disrupting how I consume news...
The forthcoming demise of Google Reader is encouraging me to shake up my news workflow - even though there are other RSS readers out there. While the service is not being shut down until July I have already nuked the habit by moving most of my consumption to Pulse and Flipboard, which I use as a front-end to LinkedIn and Twitter
I am weaning myself off physical keyboards...
At home, on the go and in meetings, I am trying to kick the habit of using physical keyboards in favor of using touch-screen and voice inputs. While I am still nowhere near as proficient as I am with a physical keyboard, I am slowly building muscle memory over time. Once I am adept, I may adopt the same at my office as well.
I no longer consume physical media and soon I will stop creating it ...
After several years, I have successfully migrated all the physical media I own - books, magazines, newspapers, movies, etc - into their digital equivalents. Yes, this cost money but now I have them everywhere I go. I am in the process of doing the same with my notes as well, though I still find that culture can get in the way. (A lot of my meetings are over meals so taking notes on a phone is difficult and sometimes rude. I scan these notes.)
I am living a more quantified life...
Adhering to the old Peter Drucker adage “What gets measured gets done,” I am now constantly seeking out ways to get data-driven feedback. Thanks to the real-time data my Fitbit provides, I have finally lost those pesky last 10 pounds by walking more in good weather and taking the stairs when it's not. The next step is for me to make similar data part of my work streams.
I am communicating more visually...
People don't have as much time to read anymore. Distractions are everywhere. You have to find a way to break through the noise if you hope to have your ideas heard. Visual storytelling is a good way to align your message with the way the digital brain works. I have started experimenting with apps on my tablet and computer that allow me to surprise and (hopefully) delight to get my message across. I haven't done so yet here yet, but stay tuned.
How are you staying native? Leave your thoughts in the comments. More minds are better than few and I am always looking for good ideas.
Photo: Tanya Little/Flickr/Getty Images

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

How Social Media Improved An Entire School District

official social media icons
A few days ago, we shared a video interview with Kristin Magette, Communications Director at Eudora School District in Eudora, Kansas, who shared how Eudora Public Schools had set out to create a “digital-friendly school district.” Kristin also shared some thoughts on social media and their digital friendly school district in a guest post for the folks who helped them plan out and set up these services. We thought that she offered some excellent insight, and her guest post includes a few links to the district’s social media efforts so that you can see for yourselves what they’ve been working on.
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube. At school, they make us nervous. We hear stories about teachers losing their jobs and students losing their innocence. We see the nasty rumors and insults that can flourish online. So if we clamp down and keep social media out of our schools, we’™ll be good. Right?
We live in the digital world. And when students and parents enter our schools, they don’™t check their lives at the door. 
Whether it’™s young children watching online videos to laugh and learn, adolescents navigating friendships, or parents looking for updates on a lock-down, they’™re using social media. But for those of us who work to mentor, encourage, and protect children – and keep peace in the community – the digital world can feel overwhelming, even dangerous.
When my district acknowledged that our students are citizens of the digital world, we realized that we were missing out on so many of its opportunities. As a district, we really weren’t:
  • Using social media, video and blogs as teaching tools.
  • Helping students learn safe and courteous online behavior.
  • Communicating with parents through the real-time, content-rich exchange that social media provides.
  • Encouraging others to engage with us – to celebrate our successes, grieve our losses, and sometimes even challenge us to do better.
Eudora SchoolsIn late 2011, we began to look at social media as an exciting opportunity to be embraced by our district – and more than a year later, we haven’™t looked back. Of course, we’™ve had hurdles to clear along the way. We needed real changes to our Internet filters to give teachers (and some students) access to Facebook, Twitter and the like. We needed board policy that outlined our expectations for staff and students. We needed training for our teachers to understand the great potential that exists in the digital world. And we needed procedures that employees would follow to ensure accountability and responsible use.
We worked through those challenges last year and through the summer, and our teachers have embraced our digital-friendly school district, much to the delight of our students and parents. A good place to get a taste of how we’re using social media right now -“ it’™s always changing! – is the social media directory on our district website. This is where parents and fans can find us in the social media world, including some pages that are open to the public and others that are restricted to certain members.
By far, the liveliest place you’™ll find us is on our district’™s Facebook Page. While there have been some difficult moments on our page, the support we receive is overwhelming — and our Facebook community truly has become a place of celebration, sharing and connecting. Two-way communication isn’t always comfortable — anyone who’s lived with teenagers or run a town hall meeting knows that! – but it ultimately creates greater trust, transparency and support.
Our teachers and students have produced more YouTube videos this year than ever before, both for learning and fun. Teachers are finding outstanding networking opportunities through Twitter chats. Our elementary school teachers who use Facebook for work say that communication with parents has never been better. Our high school students have embraced Twitter to share the good news from their school and connect with teachers. Sure, it takes monitoring, and it requires a level head to handle the negative comment that pops up now and then. But the increased engagement and support are more than worth it.
When other districts ask us how we do it, or tell us all the things that could go wrong, our superintendent, Don Grosdidier – who has virtually no personal experience in the world of social media – sums it up this way:
There are risks and rewards, but if we can manage the risks, the rewards are far greater and worth the trouble.
Professional development, policy and procedures help us manage the risk. And the rewards are improved parent communication, enriched student learning, increased community involvement, and powerful professional networking for teachers. It’s hard to argue with that!

Why School Leaders Should Build An Intentional School Culture

schoolFor school leaders, defining a school’s culture – the core values, practices and organizational structures – is a necessity. In fact, a school’s ability to improve performance depends on it. But fostering a performance-based culture is not something that can be completed and checked off a single to-do list; it is an ongoing process.
How do schools accomplish this? It’s all about intention. High-performing schools are intentional about creating culture by introducing clear cultural expectations, and holding staff and students accountable to these core values. When clear expectations for behavior are established and reinforced – while allowing room for reflection and adjustments to these standards – a growth-minded, results-driven environment can be achieved.
I recently led a workshop on the topic of school culture for the New York City Department of Education’s New Schools Intensive (NSI), program for school leaders that are opening new schools, and one of the big takeaways was the importance of communication.
When setting expectations, clear communication is key.
High-performing school leaders are effective in messaging that school is a place with specific standards that enable both staff and students to thrive. I often share the following example with school leaders and find that it resonates – unlike an elevator or a place of worship, where there are unspoken norms for behavior, new schools and existing schools that aim to rebuild their culture need expectations to be stated explicitly.
These values are upheld through established cultural elements that are consistent and visible from classroom to classroom. Such elements often include instituting a Student Code of Conduct, identifying one positive behaviors or mega-cognitive skill per month to highlight across the school, drafting guidelines on issuing rewards and consequences for student behavior and establishing school routines (e.g. arrival, dismissal, hallway transitions) and rituals (weekly celebrations, achievement-oriented field trips, class cheers).

Building & Reinforcing Expectations

The work does not end with establishing standards. School leaders building an intentional culture not only introduce expectations, but also reinforce them when individuals act inappropriately. First and foremost, the saying “actions speak louder than words” rings true – school leaders and staff who model the behaviors they seek in their students help to create a stronger culture. Students are more likely to show school pride if teachers join in on the excitement, as well as listen and show respect if teachers return the favor.
When it comes down to it, school culture is built in small, easy-to-ignore moments.
When someone acts in a way that is at odds with a school’s values, expectations and norms, school leaders and staff are faced with the decision of letting it go, or intervening to make it clear that “we don’t do that here.” What could be viewed by some as an easily excused moment is actually an opportunity to remind everyone involved that the school’s culture needs to be front-and-center.

“We Don’t Do That Here.”

The phrase, “we don’t do that here,” involves a deliberate choice of words. The messaging is key. “Here” withholds judgment about whether the behavior would be appropriate elsewhere; “we” enforces the idea that the school is a community, rather than shaming or excluding the individual from that community; and the overall message is straight to the point, reinforcing that school is a place where certain behaviors are expected.
It is important to note that these conversations will always be uncomfortable. During the NSI workshop, attendees participated in a role-play activity to practice initiating difficult conversations. The goal was to get comfortable “being uncomfortable”. Without constant reinforcement through these difficult conversations, a school’s cultural values won’t stick.

It Takes Work (And Professional Development)

Intention requires deliberate and consistent professional development. Just as students will not embrace a school’s cultural elements overnight, neither will staff. A common strategy among effective school leaders is to create a year-long “Culture Calendar” that includes recurringplanning meetings, reflective discussions and practice sessions to allocate time for collaboration with staff.
These tactics are just one element of establishing a performance-based culture. Using platforms like Kickboard, collecting and analyzing student data and other factors all play a role here. But it all comes back to intention. A strong school culture does not form on its own; it is built.
Jennifer Medbery is a former math teacher and founder and CEO of Kickboard, a web-based school analytics platform that allows educators and school leaders to capture, analyze and securely share critical student performance data. For more information about Kickboard’s school-wide solution or its free starter accounts for individual educators,

25 Things Teachers Should Know About Gamification

Gamification has been a big buzzword in education in recent times. Using game-style methods to incentivize students to get their learn on can be fun and effective teaching and learning methods.Take a look at these 25 things that all teachers should know about gamification.
From the most simple questions (like, ‘what is gamification, anyway?) to the more complex ideas (goals and structure of using gamification in your classroom) and the history of its use (The Oregon Trail), these 25 bullet points will get you started in the right direction.

And Now, The 25 Things To Know About Gamification

1. In a school setting, Gamification is simply the use of educational games for kids.
2. In the marketplace, Gamification is the use of game-thinking in non-game contexts to encourage participation.
3. The core strategy of Gamification is giving awards, such as badges or certifications, for accomplishing tasks.
4. Competition is another element of Gamification commonly used in the business world and the educational sphere.
5. Gamification has been criticized in marketing strategies for leaving out the narrative element of gaming.
6. Gamification has also been criticized for encouraging unhealthy expectations and habits in the marketplace and business world.
7. In a classroom setting, Gamification can be implemented in a variety of ways on a spectrum of intensities and strategies.
8. Test scores have been shown to improve dramatically in classrooms where Gamification has been implemented in the form of video games and online competitions.
9. Other classrooms have been structured to allow students to make their own education games for kids to aid their learning. This has also been proven effective.
10. While not-yet popular in schools, Gamification has gained quite a lot of momentum outside the classroom in other educational settings.
11. Gamification is designed with the assumption that players aren’t initially interested. This means games are exciting and engaging enough to capture the attention of an uninterested student and carry them through to the end.
12. These educational games for children encourage the competitive nature in students, teaching them not only to play the game, but to win it.
13. Video games designed to be educational games for kids encourage them to think like doctors, lawyers, city planners, and business managers.
14. Even the first games used for this purpose, such as Oregon Trail and SimCity, make kids practice the skills of an urban planner and learn the history of the American West.
15. Gamification can allow kids to practice manipulating a virtual world, encouraging them to use skills they will need to impact change on the real world.
16. One goal of Gamification in the school setting is to allow kids to be creators of their own knowledge, allowing the teacher to be an assistant to the child’s learning journey.
17. Educational games for kids can also teach students skills such as cautious risk taking, business strategy, and critical thinking.
18. Gamification models are being used in other educational settings as well, such as job trainings and seminars.
19. Essential to educational games for kids is the narrative effect of storytelling to carry the student through the game and allow learning to be completed.
20. Another important aspect is that of collaboration between the students, encouraging teamwork and preparing them for real-life situations.
21. Mentoring is at the heart of Gamification in the classroom, as the teacher is meant to serve as a guide and assessor throughout the students learning process.
22. Implementing educational games for kids as a strategy for teaching requires careful planning, and asking for help from experts on the subject is encouraged.
23. Important to understand is that implementing Gamification is not a quick fix, but an involved, time-consuming project in order to be used to it’s greatest potential.
24. Gamification seeks to harness human motivation through the observation of why humans play games, playing on the idea that humans play games because they are intrinsically rewarding and entertaining. Points are an added bonus, a way of keeping score, but not necessary to the heart of the game.
25. Close observation of individual students using educational games for kids is necessary to track progress. Careful attention should be paid to how the competition aspect encourages or detracts from the learning process.
Dr. Patricia Fioriello is the founder of – the place to discover the latest hot topics in education and ways to deal with current education issues. DRPF Consults publishes articles and school eBooks addressing critical topics about the education problems in today’s schools.

iPads In The Classroom: The Right Questions You Should Ask

single ipad
Arguably, the iPad can be a great classroom tool. However, lately there have been concerns about Apple’s tablet and its current role in the classroom. For instance, many have suggested that some of our schools are making the iPad the center of classrooms instead of remembering that students must be at the center of the classroom. Inevitably, this raises questions about the future of the iPad in the classroom.
Does the iPad foster or hinder creativity? Is it a comprehensive tool or just a mere distraction? Do we use the iPad just because it makes our classroom look cool? Are we missing the forest for the trees here?

The iPad On A Pedestal?

free ipad appsSome of the people who write about using iPads in the classroom, including some leading and influential people in the field of educational technology, are trying to inform educators, researchers, and stakeholders about the worrisome possibility of putting the iPad on a pedestal, so to speak, by focusing too much on logistics and creating an “iPad-centric” classroom environment.
One might argue that these concerns are quite real. There are countless examples of teachers structuring their classrooms and their lesson plans with the iPad in mind, instead of the students in mind. Too often we, educators, forget that our main responsibility, mission, and commitment should be to provide the necessary tools the students need in order to blossom their creativity and reach their full human potential. Instead, we frequently linger towards technology or the iPad not as the means to an end, but as our main objective, failing to remember that the iPad is not why we get up in the morning feeling excited that we are going to school.
The truth is that that no device can match the value of human interaction with real life situations or with other human beings. The iPad can be a tool of immense value in the classroom. However, it should remain just that: a tool that complements instruction, and offers learning opportunities for situations and learning concepts that are impossible to be accessed, observed, or analyzed in a classroom setting without the assistance of technology.

The “How” vs “Why” Of iPads In The Classroom

ipads in schoolsOne of the arguments that keeps resurfacing in the discussions surrounding the iPad in the classroom is the idea that if the iPad complicates things in the classroom, we have to move away from the question “how to use an iPad in the classroom?” and think more in terms of “why to use the iPad in the classroom?”. This is a logical argument because moving from “how” to “why” suggests maturity. That is because if one manages to move past the “how” question, then he/she can begin planning meaningful integration. I remember when my school decided to implement a 1:1 iPad program, we were all about “apps, apps, and more apps”. Later, as our understanding of the potential role of the iPad in the classroom evolved, we witnessed our thirst for new and more efficient apps die down, and our curiosity for other, more meaningful ways of using the iPad in the classroom increased.
We, like so many other educators, progressed from “searching for the perfect apps” to realizing that the iPad is a tool that can provide unique pedagogical practices in our student-centered classroom. As our questions about the iPad evolved, so did our vision about our classrooms and the role of the iPad in helping our teachers create a classroom environment that fosters innovation and creativity. Which brings me to my final point. Maybe asking “why”, and “how”, is not a bad thing after all.
Even more importantly, we may HAVE to ask the “why” and the “how” questions first. Perhaps “how” and “why” are to be perceived as necessary steps we have to take as we go through the developmental stages of our classroom technological evolution and our understanding of the iPad as a classroom tool. If that’s true, then this is good news. Given the fact that the iPad is only 3 years old, and its classroom integration timeframe even shorter than that, one can safely assume that it is still in its infant stage, which can mean only one thing: the idea of the “iPad in the classroom” right now seems to have a great life expectancy. Therefore, the future of the iPad seems bright.
However, it is up to us, educators, to find the best ways to exploit the bright future of the iPad in order to create an even brighter future for our students.
What do you think? Is the iPad a revolutionary agent of change in education, or just a distraction?

10 Creative Ways To Use Google Tools To Maximize Learning

The following post was co-authored by EdTechTeacher’s Beth Holland & Tracy Sockalosky.
google tools in learning
When we think about the tools and resources that benefit all learners, certain key attributes come to mind: multiple modalities, scaffolding, communication, collaboration, and support. While there are hundreds of tools and devices available, we have found 10 strategies to maximize the learning possibilities through creative uses of All Things Google.

1. Google Docs

At its most basic level, Google Docs provides students with a foolproof means to access their work from any device. For those who may struggle with organization or keeping track of class materials, Google Docs virtually eliminates the problem. The I lost my assignment can be removed from the equation since Docs automatically save and are searchable from within a Drive account.
On a deeper level, working in shared Docs also creates an almost real-time feedback loop. Rather than wait for a student to complete a draft before providing input, sharing a Doc early allows teachers and students to collaborate throughout the writing process. This not only benefits those students who need additional support, but also provides the teacher with an avenue to push faster students before they reach a point of being “done.”
Docs do not have to be used only for assessments. Consider the value of collective note taking during class to create a larger body of knowledge. In a traditional setting, when each student takes notes independently, ideas and connections could be lost in a physical or digital binder – or not included at all. With shared notes, the potential exists to find those connections and then carry the class exploration in a new or different direction, as well as to support those students who may not capture all of the information the first time.

2. Google Forms

Imagine having the ability to know your students’ comprehension level before they walk into class or immediately after you introduce a new concept. Google Forms gives you an easy way to do just that. Whether you create a standard survey to use as an Exit Ticket or even a “mood check-in” as used by Ms. Magiera on her math blog, Google Forms provides formative assessment data. A recent update included the ability to add images to Forms, so questions could relate to illustrations, graphs, diagrams, maps, and more. Additionally, by using forms rather than a paper-based assessment, students who may need reading support can leverage text-to-speech features on their device to hear the questions independently.

3. Voice Comments

“The fact of the matter is that good writing is conversational, and the best way to help a student rethink and revise their writing is through personal conversation.” writes Joe Taylor, Instructional Technology Coordinator for High School District 214 in Buffalo Grove, IL.
What if your students could hear your thoughts as you read their work and provided input? WithVoice Comments, a Chrome app that works with Google Docs, that is now possible.
While some students may prefer to read your annotations, others may benefit from more of a dialog. Consider the value of having students leave Voice Comments during peer review. Google docs makes it easy to leave text comments throughout the process; however, those remarks do not include tone of voice or inflection. With Voice Comments, students can receive feedback with another dimension as well as with the modality that best fits their learning needs.

4. Research Tools

Especially with elementary students, working between multiple browser tabs or windows can become a difficult and distracting process. With Research Tools – available in Google Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentations – students can search from within their project to find images, video, quotes, or references. Not only can links and media quickly be inserted from the research pane, but citation information can also be added as footnotes.
To access the research tool, look in the Tools menu from inside any Docs, Spreadsheets, or Presentations. There are even options to search by Creative Commons License for images. If using either Chrome or Firefox, you can even drag images directly into place.

5. Write Space

Debates about the effectiveness of multitasking notwithstanding, the need to limit distraction is something that most students experience at some point. WriteSpace, a customizable text editor, enables students to write on a distractionless screen: no formatting ribbons or chat boxes to draw the attention away from the writing!
Written work is stored locally, as well as online, making it available any time the application is open, regardless of Internet connectivity. The actual writing space is customizable in terms of fonts and colors. With word count embedded at the bottom of each page, the need to toggle to between pages or applications is further reduced. Sometimes this simple change can enable a student to engage in the writing process and the words that he or she types onto the page.

6. Google Dictionary & Image Dictionary

google-dictionaryThe days of students picking up a dictionary are long gone, and the likelihood of students switching over to a new browser tab to search a word’s definition is also diminishing rapidly. Students will often rely on the synonyms or whatever is available with the magical right-click. Thanks toGoogle Dictionary and Image Dictionary, this right-click will yield far more useful information than a synonym. As seen in the image to the right, the dictionary pops up in the yellow box. Students can even choose to have an image appear as well, all within the same screen. For many, this imagery provides the necessary support to comprehend what is being read. Additionally, this is also great support for science and social studies readings, saving ample time from having to tab over to another site or online encyclopedia to search for a picture of a person, animal, organism, map, etc.

7. Read & Write

As classroom teachers, we are eager to provide access to the curriculum for ALL students – not just those on IEPs. Assistive technology, while essential for some students, is often extremely expensive and therefore only made available to students with documented learning disabilities.Read&Write is the exception! An extension that can be added through the Chrome Store, Read&Write works from a toolbar within Google Docs (see image below), and provides tools that are useful for all learners, including a robust dictionary, image dictionary, fact finder, translator, and text-to-speech tool for use within a Google Doc.
All of these tools are extremely helpful, but the utility that makes the extension the most powerful is its ability to gather, sort and extract highlighted text. Using the “text background color” button in the Google Drive formatting ribbon, students can highlight as many things as they like, with whichever colors they choose, before pressing the extract button in the Read&Write strip. Highlighted material then appears in a popup window, sorted either by highlight color or order (student choice in the popup window), so that it can be copied to the clipboard and pasted wherever the student chooses.
As an independent learning tool, Read&Write provides students with an efficient and productive means to take notes from documents (study guides, preparation for presentations, questions to ask the teacher, etc.). It also creates numerous possibilities as a teaching tool to scaffold learning: use the colors for reciprocal reading roles, create grammar and parts of speech lessons, teach the concept of more important and less important information, etc. The possibilities for this tool are extensive.


There are a few critical elements that make flipped learning a successful opportunity for students: they set the pace, chose the time & place to watch, and have opportunities to reflect on what they are intended to learn. Not always so simple! Students often struggle to keep pace with a video, and simply rewatching does not always facilitate the learning.
Students may or may not take notes. If organized, they will be able to located their notes at a later date; however, when they review, students may completely forget the video reference, and therefore the notes are not as useful. provides the tools to scaffold the flipped learning process. While the video appears on the left side of the screen, a notes box sites on the right – no toggling required! The notes automatically store in Drive, eliminating lost notes syndrome. Additionally, when the student takes a note, it attaches itself  to a timestamp of the movie, making reviewing notes, and the correlating video segments, a snap. Students can also change the speed of the video, which can be particularly helpful when watching demos and tutorials.

9. Google Moderator

“Today, if I were to lose the devices (iPads) that that my students have, I would mourn the loss not of the technology but of the voices that my students have gained through having them.” – Shawn McCusker 
With Google Moderator, the potential exists to give all students a voice. Oftentimes, we miss the opportunity for thoughtful discourse within the construct of the classroom. Google Moderator empowers all students to ask questions, submit topics or ideas for discussion, and engage in thoughtful conversation. As Shawn states, through the use of technology, those who may be more introverted now have the opportunity to rise as leaders. The tutorial below offers more ideas about the mechanics of using Moderator in the classroom.

10. Templates

Seamless collaboration, efficient classroom management, flexible formative assessment, and creative lesson plans are all made even easier with the wealth of templates in the Google Drive Template Gallery. Rather than starting from scratch by creating a blank document, spreadsheet, form, or presentation, search through the Google Drive Template Gallery to leverage the shared creativity of another. A few favorites are the Cornell Notes, Storyboard, and Plan Book templates. Since templates can easily be shared with others, especially within organizations, the gallery continues to grow. Not only does this tool provide a great resource for teachers as well as students, it is also a great opportunity to collaborate, create and donate!
To learn more about using All Things Google, come join us July 25-26 in Boston. Tracy will also be addressing Google tools in her July 15-16 workshop, Leveraging Technology to Differentiate Instruction: Creating Rich Curricula for ALL Students.